Friendly & Humble
One of the best hospitals. Staff is very friendly, and they always stand by us and keep supporting us throughout the treatment. Sisters are really really sweet and humble.. I will rate it 100%
Priya | March 06, 2020
At every medisync hospital, we focus on Patient Care, as well as Patient Experience:
Ultrasound or sonography is a non-invasive diagnostic procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves (produced by ultrasound probes or transducers) to examine the inside of the body and take images of various body parts, tissues, vessels, and organs. This procedure does not use any kind of radiation. That’s why it’s considered safe for examining the development of the fetus. Our medical professionals advise performing ultrasound for various purposes. Some of the common uses include - abdominal scans, pregnancy scans, eye scanning, pelvic screening, breast sonography, etc.
At Medisync, we perform a wide range of ultrasound scans according to the needs of the patients. Some of the common ones include -
If we think that there could be a medical concern, we will ask you to get an ultrasonography test done. It will help our medical professional to understand if or not you’ve any underlying medical condition.
Our experienced and qualified sonographer will ask you to change your clothes and wear a hospital gown. Then you will be asked to lie down on the sonography table with a part of your body or a spot exposed for getting the test done.
Thereafter, our technician will apply a gel on your skin. This gel serves as a medium for the sound waves to reach out to the targeted body part and prevents friction generated from rubbing the ultrasound probe on your skin.
This probe emits high-frequency sound waves which echo back when hit against anything dense like an organ, tissue, or bone. These echoes form a pattern on the computer screen that the doctor can interpret to understand what’s happening inside your body.
Most ultrasound examinations do not need any preparation. However, if some special preparations are to be made like an empty stomach, full bladder, or anything else, we will make sure to inform you beforehand.
No, ultrasound is a non-invasive and safe diagnostic procedure. It does not even use any radiation and therefore, we use it on pregnant women and foetuses. With Medisync, you are in safe hands.
539/51, 9th Cross Rd, 7th Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560070
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