D&C is a minimally invasive surgery that clears up the uterus of any excess tissue, fragments or abnormal growth that may be causing heavy bleeding during periods.
Excessive vaginal bleeding during or in between periods is called menorrhagia. There are many conditions that could cause this including fibroids, tumors, endometriosis and pregnancy. Hence, you may experience this even if you have reached menopause.
Women who have given birth may also experience this due to placenta fragments that are present within the uterus.
D&C surgery may be suggested to reduce the bleeding, pain and discomfort experienced.
A D&C surgery would last for about 30 minutes to 1 hour, but you may be asked to stay for 1-2 days in the hospital.
Menstrual problems, if left untreated, may lead to serious complications.
Women who experience heavy bleeding after pregnancy, may have tissue lodged in the uterus that increases the risk of uterine infections.
D&C surgery is a simple and effective method by which your doctor would be able to bring down these complications and ensure normal menstrual bleeding.
D&C surgery is done to remove tissue from inside your uterus. It is performed to diagnose as well as treat certain uterine conditions such as heavy bleeding, or to clear the uterine lining after a miscarriage or abortion. Thus it is also known as D&C abortion.
D&C may be done for the following cases – D&C may be done for the following cases –
Before you are taken away for the surgery there are a number of tests that would be prescribed by the doctor to check if your body is in a position to handle the surgery. You will be asked to provide an account of your medical history and the kind of medications you take. Based on that, the doctor might ask you to avoid certain drugs, adopt some dietary restrictions and health supplements that you might be taking on a daily basis. We would recommend that you ask a trusted friend or family member to accompany you to the doctor’s office. Also, talk to the doctor and clarify all doubts that you might have about the surgery. The doctor would then give you local anesthesia that would put you to sleep.
The dilation and curettage surgery takes roughly an hour and is relatively painless. However, because you were under the influence of anesthesia, the doctor might ask you to stay overnight or get a few hours rest before you are discharged. It takes no time to recover from the procedure however we would advise you to avoid any intense physical activity for a few weeks post the surgery. You might experience spotting, feel feverish, nauseous, cramps, etc. Also, it’s completely normal if the next menstrual cycle is delayed by a few days. If the side-effects are serious and long-lasting then the doctor might prescribe pain meds such as taking ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others).
Like any other surgery, some of the risks associated with D&C are – Like any other surgery, some of the risks associated with D&C are –
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